How to get rid of Scars from ingrown hair
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“What exactly is a scar”?
When you injure your skin, your body naturally repairs the damage. How your body repairs this damage depends on how deeply the injury penetrates your skin. In this article, you will learn how to get rid of Scars from ingrown hair.
If the injury damages the top layer of your skin, you’ll likely see new skin when the wound heals. To repair the damage that goes deeper than the first layer, your body makes a tissue that’s thicker than your skin. This thicker tissue often becomes a scar.
New scars have a pink to reddish colour. As a scar matures, it often turns lighter or darker than your skin.
Most scars are flat, and the skin on top trends to look wrinkled.” American Academy of Dermatology
Many of us who are plagued by ingrown hairs often see the end results for years. They can be unsightly and embarrassing. So how do you get rid of them?
Stop this:
Chances are you got the scar from picking an ingrown hair bump or scab too much. Stop doing this!!! I know its easier said than done. So start preventing ingrown before they even get to the stage where you want to pick at them!
Start with prevention.
The best way to prevent ingrown hairs is to determine whether shaving or waxing irritates the skin and hair worse. Choose the method which irritates the area the least. You may have to experiment with a few hair removal methods over time but you should eventually find one that works.
Exfoliate, cleanse and moisturize every single day with a scrub glove or exfoliation brush.
Be gentle and use a good quality soap. Lather the soap in the glove and gently scrub the area. Do this every day until the bumps subside. Apply a light moisturizer or ingrown hair serum after.
Now What?
You are probably reading this article because you already have done the damage and want to know how to get rid of Scars from ingrown hair. It won’t be easy and you may only get a slight reduction in scaring but the end results might be worth it.
Natural Scar Remedies you might find in your kitchen
•Massage olive oil over the scar. Olive oil is rich in vitamins E and K, which will help in getting your scars to fade quickly. Virgin olive oil is particularly high in antioxidants and has a higher acidity level, which helps to lighten the scars.
Rub a little bit on to the scar and massage into it for 10 minutes.
•Raw honey is a natural moisturizer. It can be effective in the treatment of wounds and stimulates tissue regeneration. It can also be used to fade scars.
Mix 2 tbsp. of raw honey with 2 tbsp. of baking soda
Massage for 3 minutes and wipe clean.
•Apply lemon juice to the scar. Lemons contain alpha-hydroxy acids(AHA) which help to remove dead skin cells, help new cells grow. It can help lighten scars.
Put 1 teaspoon of lemon juice on a cotton ball
Rub the cotton ball on the scarred area
Let it sit for about 10 minutes and then rinse it off
Commercial products we love to treat scars

Health Priority Vitamin E
Healthy skin is beautiful skin and 100% Natural & Organic Vitamin E Oil really packs a punch. Here are just a few of the benefits Vitamin E oil delivers:
Prevents ageing
Reduces wrinkles & fine lines
Lightens dark spots and under-eye circles
Naturally hydrates and heals damaged skin while preventing future damage
Repairs stretch marks and acne/surgical scars
Promotes collagen & elastin to keep skin looking young
Your Vitamin E Oil is especially unique because it’s made with 100% Natural Vitamin E Oil and infused with additional healing and calming oils like organic jojoba, organic avocado, organic rice bran, organic palmarosa, and organic lavender
Mederma scar gel
Mederma Advanced Scar Gel can help you ease the doubts because it’s clinically shown to improve the overall appearance, colour, and texture of scars. More doctors and pharmacists recommended Mederma than any other brand for older and newer scars. It works for many types of scars, including acne scars, surgery scars, and scars from burns, cuts, and other injuries. And since you only have to apply Mederma Advanced Scar Gel once a day, it’s easy to use.
About the product
Clinically Proven Safe and Effective Scar Reduction
Significantly reduces the appearance of existing scars
Professional grade self-adhesive silicone sheeting with patented silicon technology
Safe and ideal for even nursing moms and those with drug sensitivities
Helps prevent the formation of new scars
Significantly improves the appearance of existing scars
With proven Silicon technology
Recommended by plastic surgeons and burn centers
Easy to use and comfortable to wear
Helps prevent the formation of new scars

Trilogy Rosehip oil
An efficacious reparative oil for face and body. Contains pure natural rosehip oil. rich in essential fatty acids (omega 3 and 6). Provides all-over hydration. strengthening and healing action. Remarkably corrects the appearance of scars. stretch marks. fine lines and wrinkles. Effectively treats dehydrated and ageing skin. Unveils a softer. smoother. more refined and healthier-looking complexion.
These are some of my favourite treatments. Below is a list of others that rate really well on Amazon
Key ingredients to get rid of scars
No matter which treatment you choose to look for some of the key ingredients used to reduce scar formations:
Centella Asiatica
White tea
Comfrey Root
Organic Aloe
No matter which method you choose make sure to check with your skincare specialist or physician to choose a treatment right for you.
Remember the best method for preventing scarring is to treat ingrown hairs as they appear and to be proactive about it.
Some of the information in this post is taken from